Menu Options

Nevada 1G Inspector candidates will need to demonstrate their ability to navigate through each of these menus. Additionally, inspectors will need to locate and correctly enter information into the analyzer through these


Main Menu

The main menu is the ‘home screen’ of the analyzer. This screen will appear before the beginning of an emissions inspection. The main menu lists 6 separate options and a shutdown button at the end of the

list. Inspectors will use the main menu to navigate the machine during the


Vehicle Inspection Selection

The vehicle inspection selection contains 5 additional options and a return button at the bottom of the list. This selection will be used to carry out an emissions inspection.

  • Reprint Vehicle InspectionReport

This option is used to print an additional copy of a vehicle emissions inspection report.

  • Vehicle Diagnostics Selection

The vehicle diagnostics selection is used for OBD diagnostics and certain emissions equipment testing, such as the gas cap.

  • Analyzer MaintenanceSelection

The analyzer maintenance selection is used to ensure the analyzer is properly maintained and gives consistently accurate and precise readings.

  • Station ManagerSelection

The station manager selection contains administrative information such as vehicle inspection history. The station manager selection can also be used for network diagnostics and similar tasks by authorized persons. This selection also contains lockout settings.

  • State Audit Selection

The state audit selection allows officials from the State of Nevada to verify emissions testing equipment functionality. This selection allows the state to inspect analyzers and verify that the emissions station is following procedure and using working equipment. State audits are conducted on an unscheduled and random basis.

System Shutdown Selection

The system shutdown selection allows the operator to shut down the system. It is the last option on the emissions analyzer main menu.