In this lesson, we’ll go through the Emissions Inspection procedure from start to finish. Familiarity with the smog check procedure will help you avoid errors on the practical exam and in your work. To begin with, there are six questions you must ask the customer to understand their needs and determine if they need an emissions test or not. First, ask if the vehicle is being tested for registration purposes? Note their response.If the vehicle was purchased new, it may not require an emissions test. Used cars usually will need a test, unless there’s a current test already on file. Remember, emissions inspections are good for 90 days. Buying a car from a Nevada dealership means the vehicle should have a current smog on file.A private party vehicle sale usually requires testing for registration. Only Washoe County and Clark County require Emissions inspections for registration, and only in certain zip codes. Some zip codes in your area may be exempt from emissions testing. More on this subject in the Program Areas lesson.Knowing the customers city will help determine if they reside within the program area.If the car has been disconnected from the battery, or recently had a new battery installed, the emissions monitors will have reset, and the customers smog will reject. If the vehicle has been disconnected from the battery, suggest the customer drive the vehicle for five days without disconnecting the battery. Remember to only test vehicles which are at operating temperature.
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